To convert 1 Guntha to Square Feet, it will be 1089.000469 sqft, because the conversion factor for Guntha to Square Feet is 1089.000. Use this converter to get more area conversions in the dropdown menu.
To calculate Guntha to Square Feet, multiply the guntha value by 1089, as 1 guntha = 1089 sq ft.
Square Feet = Guntha × 1089
To convert 2 guntha to Sq ft:
2 × 1089 = 2,178 Sq ft
From Guntha | Square Feet | Square Meters | Square Yards |
1 Guntha | 1,089 | 101.17 | 121 |
2 Guntha | 2,178 | 202.34 | 242 |
5 Guntha | 5,445 | 505.85 | 605 |
10 Guntha | 10,890 | 1,011.71 | 1,210 |